Lock Bumping: Dangers and Prevention By Locksmith Santa Monica
Lock bumping, also known as key bumping, is a skill sweeping the crime world and wiping out even the slightest traces of home and family

security. With this recent rise in break-in crime, many people are left wondering what lock bumping is, who it can happen to and what they can do to prevent it.
Lock bumping is simply the applying of pressure to a special “bump key” in order to cause the inner pins/tumblers of a conventional lock to jump out of place, allowing the key to be turned in a matter of seconds. The keys are very easy to come by, with videos and instructions available across the internet. Entire lock bumping sets are sold for very little with no restrictions for purchase. It is estimated that nine out of ten American homes can be susceptible to lock bumping without even realizing it. Many homeowners stop home protection at locks and monitored security systems. These two prevention techniques are not enough to stop the evolving spectrum of skillful theft.The danger in lock bumping is that most homeowner’s insurance policies will not pay for theft damages and losses without proof of unauthorized entry. Lock bumping does not show any signs of forced intrusion and leaves little evidence. Not only do homeowners lose property, but they often do not receive adequate compensation for their losses.Unfortunately, most locks made today are still vulnerable to key bumping and are not resistant to this new security threat. In order to be protected, a home owner should invest in a high security lock with a higher security level. This not only prevents lock bumping, but also can be helpful in keeping burglars from picking locks and making copies of keys without permission. Installing high security locks can provide exceptional home protection. Best of all, using them to prevent lock bumping is just as easy as the crime itself.
Locksmith Santa Monica (310) 409-2554